Tag: RV GPS for road trips

  • Finding Your Way on the Open Road: RV and Camping Apps That Get You Where You Want to Go

    Finding Your Way on the Open Road: RV and Camping Apps That Get You Where You Want to Go

    Well, my friends, what better way to find your way around this great land of ours than with a trusty RV routing and camping app by your side? As good ol’ Bill Bryson once said, “Not all those who wander are lost.” But a little navigational assistance never hurt anyone! Let me tell you, I’ve…

  • Hitting the Open Road: Using GPS to Map RV Routes

    Hitting the Open Road: Using GPS to Map RV Routes

    Before heading out, it pays to spend some time planning your route. Nothing spoils a relaxing road trip faster than getting your rig stuck under a low bridge or wedged into a tight turn. That’s where GPS can be a real lifesaver for RVers. With some handy route planning tips, you can easily use GPS…

  • The Ins and Outs of Inputting RV Dimensions for Tailored Travel Plans

    The Ins and Outs of Inputting RV Dimensions for Tailored Travel Plans

    Let’s be honest, maneuvering a vehicle the size of a city bus down narrow country lanes or under low urban overpasses can be an anxiety-inducing experience. As any seasoned RV owner will tell you, failing to account for your vehicle’s dimensions can spell disaster faster than you can say “detour!” But don’t panic. With a…

  • The Road Trip from Hell: Faulty GPS and Ignoring Restrictions

    The Road Trip from Hell: Faulty GPS and Ignoring Restrictions

    I’ve learned a thing or two about navigating this country of ours. And let me tell you, it’s not always as simple as punching an address into your GPS and letting technology guide the way. If you’re not careful, you can easily find yourself in some dicey situations thanks to faulty routing, ignoring posted restrictions,…

  • Finding Your Way When the Bars Disappear

    Finding Your Way When the Bars Disappear

    Well, hasn’t this happened to all of us at some point? You’re driving along, following your phone’s navigation app, when all of a sudden you notice those precious bars disappearing from the top corner of your screen. Uh oh. Now you’re flying blind in unfamiliar territory, and your previously trusty digital guide has gone dark.…

  • Using GPS to Accurately Calculate RV Fuel Economy

    Using GPS to Accurately Calculate RV Fuel Economy

    So there I was, driving my RV down the interstate on a beautiful summer day. The sun was shining, the traffic was light, and I didn’t have a care in the world. That is, until I noticed my fuel gauge rapidly dropping and realized I had no idea how many miles per gallon this beast…

  • To Tablet or Not To Tablet: GPS Navigation Options for RVs

    To Tablet or Not To Tablet: GPS Navigation Options for RVs

    As technology marches on, us RV folks are faced with a peculiar conundrum when it comes to navigating. Do we stick to tried and true dedicated GPS devices, or do we make the leap to using a tablet and GPS apps? Both have their benefits and drawbacks, so let’s mosey on down the trail and…