Category: GPS

  • Exploring RV GPS vs. Regular GPS: 7 Key Distinctions

    Exploring RV GPS vs. Regular GPS: 7 Key Distinctions

    In the world of recreational vehicles (RVs), navigation is paramount to a seamless and enjoyable journey. Many RV enthusiasts often find themselves debating the choice between using dedicated RV GPS systems and regular GPS devices. To assist you in making an informed decision, we will outline seven crucial distinctions between these two navigation options. 1.…

  • Keeping Track of Your Prized Possession: A Review of GPS Devices to Recover Your Stolen RV

    Keeping Track of Your Prized Possession: A Review of GPS Devices to Recover Your Stolen RV

    I know firsthand the pride and joy that comes from owning an RV. But I also know the deep panic that sets in when returning from a rest stop to find that empty parking spot where you swore you left it. RV theft is on the rise these days, leaving countless families stranded. But have…

  • Finding the Right RV GPS for Your Next Road Trip

    Now, I know you’re itching to get your adventure started, but hang on just a cotton pickin’ minute. Have you given some thought to how exactly you’re going to navigate this beast? RVs ain’t exactly compact sedans, you know. You need to think smart if you wanna steer clear of tight spots and low bridges.…

  • Finding Your Bearings When GPS Gets Lost

    Finding Your Bearings When GPS Gets Lost

    Using a GPS these days can feel like second nature. You just plug in your destination, and your phone or in-car navigation system tells you exactly how to get there. Most of the time it works flawlessly, but every now and then, your GPS can go haywire and leave you feeling lost. Don’t panic! With…

  • The Great GPS Debate: Handheld vs. Integrated RV Systems

    The Great GPS Debate: Handheld vs. Integrated RV Systems

    Which is best for the wandering wayfarer? Grab a tinnie and let’s dive in! The Beloved Handheld GPS Now I don’t know about you, but there’s something nostalgic about a good handheld GPS. Those hardy little devices have guided many a grey nomad down the open road over the years. They’re tried, true, and trusted…

  • The Road to Ruining Your RV Vacation: GPS Mistakes to Avoid

    Choosing the wrong GPS can spell disaster for your home on wheels. Let’s yap about some key tips to keep you from winding up like my buddy, who found himself wedged on a winding mountain pass when his GPS led him astray. Talk about a sardine can situation! Underestimating the Size of Your Rig RVs…

  • Finding Your Way on the Open Road: RV and Camping Apps That Get You Where You Want to Go

    Finding Your Way on the Open Road: RV and Camping Apps That Get You Where You Want to Go

    Well, my friends, what better way to find your way around this great land of ours than with a trusty RV routing and camping app by your side? As good ol’ Bill Bryson once said, “Not all those who wander are lost.” But a little navigational assistance never hurt anyone! Let me tell you, I’ve…

  • Getting Your Bearings When Your GPS Signal Gets Weary

    Getting Your Bearings When Your GPS Signal Gets Weary

    So there you are, trying to navigate your way to the latest geocache or set a new PR on your Strava segment, when suddenly your trusty GPS starts going haywire. One minute it thinks you’re traversing the side of a mountain, the next it’s got you swimming in the lake. Nothing sours an outdoor adventure…

  • Hitting the Open Road: Using GPS to Map RV Routes

    Hitting the Open Road: Using GPS to Map RV Routes

    Before heading out, it pays to spend some time planning your route. Nothing spoils a relaxing road trip faster than getting your rig stuck under a low bridge or wedged into a tight turn. That’s where GPS can be a real lifesaver for RVers. With some handy route planning tips, you can easily use GPS…

  • Finding the Right GPS App for Accurate RV Speed Readouts

    Finding the Right GPS App for Accurate RV Speed Readouts

    Let me tell you, when you’re behind the wheel of a massive RV, knowing exactly how fast you’re going is crucial. I learned that lesson the hard way when I first started RVing and got pulled over for speeding. Turns out my RV’s speedometer was off by almost 10 mph! Ever since that, I’ve become…

  • The Ins and Outs of RV Tech Integration

    The Ins and Outs of RV Tech Integration

    Integrating things like tank sensors, climate controls, and GPS can make your RV experience safer, more efficient, and just plain better all around. As someone who’s been RVing for years in an old clunker, let me tell you – installing some smart tech can be a total game changer. Why Integrate RV Tech in the…

  • The Ins and Outs of RV Weather Overlays

    The Ins and Outs of RV Weather Overlays

    Here you are, aiming to set out on the open road in your trusty RV, looking for adventure. The spirit’s willing, but those pesky weather conditions could end up being a mighty big thorn in your side if you’re not careful. As good ol’ Benjamin Franklin used to say, “An ounce of prevention is worth…